Personal Technology Devices at School:

Personal Technology Devices at School:

Students must follow classroom procedures for storage of electronic devices developed by classroom teachers/grade levels.  

  • Students shall have all electronic devices (including Smartwatches) turned off at all times except as approved by school personnel.
    Students will follow the rules established by their classroom teacher as to the use of any electronic devices in class.  
  • Students are not allowed to use their cell phone/Smartwatch during school hours, including when they are dropped off, at recess, and at lunch, unless there is an emergency.
    Electronic devices should not be brought on to the play yard at recess and lunch.  
    If a student’s electronic item (including cell phone/Smartwatch) disrupts the classroom, instructional process or a school activities, the device shall be confiscated by a certificated or classified staff member and be given to an administrator who will return it to the student at the end of the day.  
    A second infraction shall result in the device being confiscated and the parent/guardian will be required to meet with the
    Principal or the principal’s designee in order to retrieve the device.  
    A third infraction shall result in disciplinary action with the consent to possess all electronic devices being revoked until the end of the trimester.